
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Great P-4 Visa Hurry Up and Wait

The last real hurdle we face before we can get our 129-F is the "interview."  Having been through Homeland Security and the USCIS our papers along with Minxi are now headed off to the Embassy in Guang Zhou.  There she will have a physical examination, deliver another set of paperwork, and speak with an embassy official.

At this point we are both exhausted, I'm working tons of hours, she's dealing with Baba's health and we both have that feeling of being half way down from the diving board waiting to hit the water.

We know that the success rate for petitions that make it this far is very good and we are nothing if not thorough in our preparations but today, while reviewing paperwork, our conversation just kind of stalled.

"Ummm.  I don't remember which one is next."

"Yawn.  Number 27."

"Oh yeah, 27.  I'll look it up."


"Did you look it up?"


"Number 27."

"Oh yeah  27."

There is a kind of tired that a single night's rest just won't fix.  I think our schedule for the first month looks something like this.

Day 1  Sleep.
Day 2 Apply for Marriage License
Days 3-13  Sleep
Days 14 Get married.
Days 15 - 29  Prepare welcome to USA dinner for family and friends and or sleep.
Day 30  Dinner with friends and family.
Day 31  Wake up refreshed and ready for life together.

Aye Oooooo!   I doubt real life will give us that much time but all the exciting plans we have for exploring our new life together will definitely have to wait at least until after nap time!  Possibly nap time for both Chinese Standard and US Central time.

Wish us luck.  We're almost there.

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