
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Where to Find the Best Hong Kong Tourist Information

Hong Kong is a big city and there are hundreds of outlets for information on the city.  Here are a few of Minxi and my favorites.

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I've always had great luck with Lonely Planet.  Their Hong Kong web pages are concise and nicely laid out.  They've got information on weather, the best times to travel, nightlife, etc. etc. If you want tourist information for Hong Kong, you really can't do better than Lonely Planet.

Click to Visit
While not a traditional travel website, I find Hong Kong Stuff incredibly useful.  It is  sort of social networking site for expats living in Hong Kong.  They cover just about everything from jobs to music. You'll find them talking about everything from Hong Kong Nightlife to the rules for importing motorcycles to bird watching.   If I were planning a trip to Hong Kong,  I would definitely visit Hong Kong Stuff.

Click to Visit
This is Discover Hong Kong.  The official tourist information site for those planning to travel to Hong Kong.  It's very pretty and does contain a lot of high level information on tourism in Hong Kong, but I find it a little thin on the details.  It's what you would expect, a lot of beautiful pictures of the Hong Kong Skyline, lots of flashy talk about "Asia's World City" and then a 30 minute search for the bus schedule.  It's there, but maybe not right where you'd like it to be.  I did get useful information about Hong Kong from this site but it's not my favorite.

Click to Visit

Finally, I think anyone planning to travel to Hong  Kong should visit the Hong Kong International Airport webpage.  Not only does it have flight information and weather and all the stuff you think it should have, it also has great access to bus, taxi, ferry, and other travel information useful to tourists.  It even has a somewhat limited section on dining and nightlife in Hong Kong.  Not to mention that HKIA is a small city in and of itself on its own island and everyone planning to visit would do well to spend a little time looking over the airport map before they arrive.

So there you go, four great sources of travel information for the tourist headed to Hong Kong.  Enjoy!

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