
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ten The Best Photos from Hong Kong Feb. 2012

It seems like in every vacation you manage to take one or two pictures that are just better than the others. Minxi and my's trip to Hong Kong in Feb. 2012 was no exception.  Neither one of us are great photographers but still, there were those couple of shots.  Let's take a look.

10.  Funniest:

Mr. Mao and the Chinese Penis Rocket Man

I don't think this needs much description really.  The man in the background is saying something not so subtle.  Great photo.

9.  Most expressive

Hong Kong Guest House Room

This is our hotel room in Mirador Mansion.  It's meant to show the size of the room but somehow I caught a great shot of Minxi's face.  Man she's a hottie!

8.  Best Nature Shot

Lantau Island Tai O harbor Hong Kong

This is looking out over the break water in Tai O.  The day was misty and there were lots of barely visible islands in the distance.

7.  Best Food Porn

seafood dumplings, Kowloon Hong Kong, restaurant food

Pork with lettuce and noodle.  In the background, jellied rice in sesame sauce.  Oh yes.  Love that life!

6.   Best, "Why did you take a picture of that?" 

Hong Kong fire hydrant

The fire hydrants in Hong Kong look like Kenny from South Park.  That's funny.  Explaining why I was taking pictures of fire hydrants; even funnier!

5.  Most Moving Location:

Macau Temple

This is the temple in Macau that the islands are named after.  It winds all the way up the hill on the left.  Minxi and I prayed here for blessings on our marriage.  Very moving.

4.  The money shot.

Chinese family with Baba

I traveled 7700 miles to ask this man if I could marry his daughter.  He said yes.

3.  Scariest Discovery

Hong Kong Island building with bamboo scaffolding

In Hong Kong and Southern China they use bamboo for scaffolding.  This a seventeen story tall building entirely scaffold-ed in bamboo.  I imagine the sign says something like, "climb here and DIE!"

2.  The "I'm a terrible photographer photos:  The Italian Chick

On Macau, we rode around town on this two story tour bus.  I'd spot something I wanted to take a picture of, but every time it came by, I managed to get the Italian chick sitting next to us.  Does anybody know this woman? 'cause I've got lots of photos of her.

sexy Italian woman on Macau bus

1.  The "No Wait.  I'm a Great Photographer" photo.

Minxi and I found this in the photos we took of Victoria Harbor.  Her face isn't just right but look at that skyline!  I even caught the low hanging clouds.  Woof!  How did I do that?  See the little lens effect upper left?  I like to imagine that's Minxi's mom looking out for us.  Awww.

Hong Kong skyline from Hong Kong walk of stars

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